Oct 7, 2009

So you want to start selling stuff in the web

Easy, just open up a webshop.. or is it?

eCommerce is in no way a technical thing anymore. All technical challenges you can think of have already been solved multiple times.

The hard part comes from processes and day to day business in the shop. How to handle stock, where is the stock, where do I get good descriptions for my products, what payment methods should I use (yes, there are about 1million different payment solutions to choose from), how to handle returned goods... the list is endless and its not in anyway technical.

Ok so some technical knowledge is needed to implement automation for stuff in that list. Creating the technical solution takes 5% of the time that it takes to design and implement the process behind it. Technical solution can only work if there is a process to be followed and it is documented.

So don't have a process yet? Then create the process now and come back again.

Already have a process? Great, is your process good? Even better! Now the feat is to merge webshop and your process, usually not that big of a deal but if your process currently has a step like "look at the order and if it doesn't look valid we call the customer" automating it can be impossible.

If you are a startup all of this becomes much easier. Just choose one of the providers that can deploy a fully working integrated system and start using the processes defined by them. Easy, simple and it is already proofed to be a "working" solution.

The point being automatic solutions need strict rulesets to be followed, information on all systems needs to be valid and doing fuzzy logic is usually always the wrong answer.

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